Our Logo

Breaking Down Our Logo

As a company whose mission is to continue family traditions passed on from generation to generation, our logo is based upon a classic design that helps tell our customers what we are about.

Top center of the logo shows our monogram within a shield, the shield represents our mission to protect and honor the legacy of our ancestors.

Bookending the shield are two lions. The lions are a symbol of Leo's strength and perseverance that he set as an example for us to follow. Each lion has two tails. Tails for lions are meant to keep them balanced. Our lions have two tails in order to remind us that we need to keep harmony both in preserving the past traditions that have been handed down to us as well as maintaining a balanced approach as we strive towards our future endeavors.

Finally, the name BosMor. The name BosMor is a combination of the Bosonetto and Morelli family names coming together to honor Leo's legacy by continuing to share his love of wine with family and friends.